Light | Darkness | Color pavilions
Wrocław University of Technology
Temporary exhibition pavilion

In every city we can find a lot of spaces of unknown location and unappealing surrounding. Although, those places are not used by people, they have a potential to present valuable area to explore.
For the reason of changing a repulsive place into attractive area, three exhibition pavilions have been designed. They serve as a movable and temporary target for hidden areas, that can be described in city travel maps.
Each of them is designed to represent topic about light and darkness. The idea came from declaration of 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies.
LIGHT | DARKNESS | COLOR pavilions provides unique way to present lighting possibilities and educate people about how light is important in modern life. It affect our mood and creates atmosphere in interiors. By the interesting shape of designed pavilions, they encourage to enter and explore the magic of light and darkness.
The LIGHT | DARKNESS | COLOR Pavilions is a diploma project prepared for Wroclaw University of Technology as well as for LAMP Lighting Awards 15’ competition.
The Light Pavilion
The first from 3 exhibition pavilions describes the theme of daylight. It present the modern type of public library, where the books are second-hand and can be left by those who don’t use them anymore. Inside we can find six modules of so-called “cradles”. Each of them consist of rattan boxes attached to the ceiling, stairs, shelves for books and rattan bench on the floor.
Idea, plan, sections, 3d view and elevations

View from the inside

Manual model photos

Whole cover of pavilion is designed as openwork to let the light penetrate inside the library.
Scattered shadows create cozy and warming atmosphere. Suspended mirrored cubes are placed In the middle of hallway to reflect sun rays and enlighten the space.
With such a lightness and purity in structure, the pavilion provides relaxation and harmony for the booklovers.
The Darkness Pavilion
DARKNESS pavilion represent the contrast for the first one. Its purpose is to distinguish the magic of light in a universe. It was designed as an art gallery. Inside we can find path created from ramps that guide us between glass panels for the sculptures of planets. Art like painting or photography are placed underneath accessible ramp.
Idea, plan, sections, 3d view and elevations

View from the inside

View from the top corner
Small LED lamps suspended from the ceiling creates sparkling night sky.
Projector for videomapping provides majority of light in the pavilion
All the interior is dark and closed to create quiet and melancholy atmosphere like in the Space.

The Color Pavilion
The COLOR pavilion is the last from three pavilions designed for the 2015 International Year of Light. It is a place for an exhibition of the newest lighting technologies, light art installations and light sculptures. Its aim is to show people modern lighting possibilities and their systems of work. In the evenings this place can be used for parties or social meetings.
Idea, plan, sections, 3d view and elevations

View from the entrence

View from the sitting places

The dancing spaces are separated by LED tubes with different length that glow the light both from floor and ceiling.
In the back, sitting places are positioned. The pavilion indulge the light from the inside to the outside, by the glass stripes in the walls.
With a modern elevation and shape, it encourages to take a look inside and explore the lighting possibilities.
The pavilion construction
All pavilions in LIGHT | DARKNESS | COLOR project resemble rotated cube and are based on similar construction.
They consist of steel frames attached to steel footing made of C-profiles. Due to the fact that pavilions are mobile structures, they are not permanently attached to the ground. The footing is fixed by 1m long anchors in the ground to make the pavilions stable.
The frames are made of I300 beams and are strengthen in the joints by T300 beams to resist loading forces of the structure.
This construction don’t include any columns, so the detail between steel footing and the frame was designed on the “mortise and tenon” joint system. The steel frame (tenon) is ejected to specially designed steel form (mortise) on the footing and then screwed on both sides.
Light pavilion construction with details

The Modular Slabs
While designing temporary pavilions a public space around them was taken into consideration. For the reason of the movable pavilions the area surrounded them had to be mobile as well.
Modular slabs were designed in the name of temporary architecture. This design includes 1m x 1m x 0,09m light concrete blocks. Craved inside provide space for modules (colorful tiles, water ponds, grass, sitting places or lamps), that can be easily replaced, depending on the required design.
The slabs can be joined together in a various ways ( side by side or one on the top of another) that allow to freelance design of the public space.
View on the modular slabs and pavilion